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Chavez Vice-President To Be Sworn In As Acting President

Francesca Martens |
March 7, 2013 | 8:38 p.m. PST

Executive Producer

Venezuelan Vice-President Nicolas Maduro. (Flickr/ Presidencia de la Republica del Ecuador)
Venezuelan Vice-President Nicolas Maduro. (Flickr/ Presidencia de la Republica del Ecuador)
Vice President Nicolas Maduro will be sworn in on Friday as acting president following Hugo Chavez's state funeral, Legislature Chief Diosdado Cabello announced Thursday on Venezuelan national television.

ALSO SEE: U.S. Tries For Dialogue With Venezuela Following Chavez's Death

His announcement was met with conflict as the opposition claimed that Venezuela's constitution states that upon Chavez's death, Cabello would become the interim president while elections for a new one were called.

Cabello stated that Maduro would be sworn in, and that he would call elections in 30 days.

Read the full story at ABC News.
Reach Executive Producer Francesca Martens here. Follow her here.



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