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Can Cell Phones Affect Sleep?

Daniella Segura |
March 4, 2013 | 6:27 p.m. PST

Staff Writer

Sleeping With Phone ( Daniella Segura / Neon Tommy)
Sleeping With Phone ( Daniella Segura / Neon Tommy)
Most people are constantly wired to their phones, from when they wake up and throughout the day, until right before they sleep. But does our constant cell phone usage have a larger effect on our lives? According to a recent study, there is.

Using a mobile phone three hours before sleeping can affect sleep patterns, according to a joint study conducted by the Wayne State University School of Medicine in Detroit, Michigan and researchers in Sweden. The study found that the radio frequency wave energy that comes from mobile phones leads to enhanced insomnia, headaches and concentration difficulties.

The study followed 35 men and 36 women between the ages of 18 and 45 for 18 months. During the experiment, there were two groups of people, who were either exposed to 884 MHZ wireless signals or no radio frequency. The researchers concluded that those who were exposed to the radio frequency took longer to fall asleep and did not sleep as well throughout the night.

However, high phone usage, such as before bedtime, does more than just affect sleep patterns. One study found that there is an association between high phone usage and symptoms of depression.

As of 2012, about 87 percent of American adults own a cell phone. About 44 percent of those are smartphones. The smartphone increase is about nine percentage points higher than in May 2011. From these numbers, it seems the usage of phones is only increasing and increasingly dictating our daily habits.

There is no question to the idea that people are attached to their phones, as seen in the number of people who sleep with their phones within reach of the place they sleep. In an international study, it found that nearly 70 percent of people between the ages of 18 and 44 sleep with their phone within reach. An additional 16 percent of people sleep with their phones in the same room where they sleep.

It is hard to separate yourself from your phone when there is the constant urge to always be connected and know what is going on around you. However, one of the main suggestions to remedy the lack of sleep caused by cell phones is to simply not use your phone before falling asleep. Another option is to sleep with your cell phone in another room. If that is not feasible, even just sleeping with your phone not within arms reach is helpful to decrease the urge to check your phone in the middle of the night.

Find out what other electronic devices are affecting your sleep and keeping you up at night.

Reach Daniella Segura here and follow her on Twitter here.



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