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State Of The Union Guests Include Survivors Of Gun Violence

Danny Lee |
February 11, 2013 | 11:15 a.m. PST

Executive Producer

Survivors of gun violence are expected to be in attendance when President Obama delivers his State of the Union speech. (Creative Commons)
Survivors of gun violence are expected to be in attendance when President Obama delivers his State of the Union speech. (Creative Commons)
The push for new gun safety legislation could take center stage at President Barack Obama’s State of the Union address, as at least 30 House Democrats are planning to bring victims of gun violence as their guests on Tuesday, according to Talking Points Memo.

Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.) told ABC’s “This Week” about his colleagues joining in to raise awareness of the issue, in the wake of the school massacre in Newtown, Conn.

More from Talking Points Memo:

"A young man named Sami Rahamim, who lost his father in a tragic event in Minneapolis, is going to be joining me," Ellison said on ABC's "This Week." "And Jim Langevin [Democrat of Rhode Island] and I and Rosa DeLauro [Democrat of Connecticut] have asked our colleagues. We've got about 30 members who are inviting victims of gun violence to be in the gallery. And we're really looking forward to -- to them being with us, because they -- they're witnesses to the need for sane, sensible reform in the area of gun violence prevention."

Former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.) and husband Mark Kelly are also expected to attend Obama’s Tuesday address as guests of Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Rep. Ron Barber (D-Ariz.), according to CBS News. Giffords nearly lost her life after a January 2011 shooting outside a Tucson supermarket left six people dead.


Read the full story at Talking Points Memo or CBS News. Find more Neon Tommy stories on gun control here.

Reach Executive Producer Danny Lee here; follow him here.



Craig Gillespie directed this true story about "the most daring rescue mission in the history of the U.S. Coast Guard.”

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