Say Bye-Bye To Shoshanna From 'Girls'?

Tina Fey, in her acceptance speech thanking Amy Poehler at the SAG Awards even joked, “…Amy, I’ve known you since you were pregnant with Lena Dunham. I’ve known you so long”. Many fans of both Fey and Dunham were giddy to hear that little mention. Was that the Tina Fey Seal of Approval?
All is going well, Tina Fey seems to approve, and then what happens to our "Girls" utopia? In an interview with Garage Magazine, Dunham says if she had to kill off a character it would be Zosia Mamet’s Shoshanna. Whether this is merely hypothetical or could really happen, viewers will just have to wait and see, but it just seems too tragic to kill off sweet Shoshanna. It is only season two!
Dunham reasons that “[she doesn’t] want to kill Jessa [Jemima Kirke] off because it’s too obvious. She seems like the person who’s going to drive off a cliff or contract a horrible, life-threatening disease through bad behavior - or she’s going to eat something weird and get something strange. The implications of Marnie [Allison Williams] dying would be too insane for Hannah [Dunham’s character, who is best friends with Marnie]. Which only leaves the option of Shoshanna [Mamet].”
No, stop right there, not Shoshanna! Well…wait… that actually makes sense… in the sense that it does not make sense.
Dunham’s right, killing off Jessa is the clear choice, so why would Dunham do the obvious? While the viewers might be completely at peace letting Jessa, the free-spirit-who-doesn’t-seem-to-care-about-much girl, go it would be too simple, and “Girls” is nothing if not the most unnecesarily complicated show on TV (in a poignant, generational way).
It then has to come down to Marnie or Shoshanna. Dunham makes a point that killing Marnie might just be too wild for Hannah, but hey, isn’t that the idea?
So then only innocent Shoshanna is left. Poor girl never even had a chance.
“Girls” would be completely lacking in that “something,” that brightness, which Shoshanna brings to the show. She is bubbly, a little crazy, but also keeps it real, even if how she does so is by means of extremely fast talking. Dunham herself says Shoshanna is “the voice of wisdom of the show.”
We need our voice of wisdom!
Best wishes to the lovely Shoshanna.
Reach Staff Reporter Taylor A. Johnson here.