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Top 5 Most Memorable Oscars Speeches

Meena Jang |
February 23, 2013 | 1:33 a.m. PST

Staff Reporter

Adrien Brody plants one on Halle Berry at the 2003 Oscars (Tumblr)
Adrien Brody plants one on Halle Berry at the 2003 Oscars (Tumblr)
Whether you're the night's Best Actor or Best Director, your Oscar win is remembered by the 2-3 minutes you have on stage to say whatever you want on Hollywood's biggest night. You can take the standard approach and thank your family or production cast, or you can use those few minutes to create a moment people will be talking about for years. We can always expect the unexpected at the Academy Awards - check out which acceptance speeches were too memorable to forget! 

1. Adrien Brody for Best Actor

Adrien Brody got lucky at the 2003 Oscars when his first Academy Award nomination landed him the Oscar for Best Actor. A little too caught up in the moment, Brody didn't hesitate to express his gratitude by passionately landing a shocking kiss on presenter Halle Berry before beginning his speech by saying, "I bet they didn't tell you that was in the gift bag." It's safe to say that Berry was just as shocked as we all were.

2. Cuba Gooding Jr. for Best Supporting Actor

When Cuba Gooding Jr. received an Oscar for his role in "Jerry Maguire" at the 69th Annual Academy Awards, to say he was ecstatic would be an understatement. He spent the first few minutes rambling a list of "thank yous" until the cued music began signaling him to wrap up his speech - that didn't stop him though. As the music played on, he spent the second half screaming "I love you" to almost every person he could think of before ending with some more celebratory cheers. Gooding's over-the-top reaction caused the stars in attendance to give him an encouraging standing ovation.

3. Angelina Jolie for Best Supporting Actress

Although this curvier, brother-loving Angelina is nothing like the Angelina we know now, Jolie hit a milestone taking home her first nomination for her unforgettable portrayal of a sociopath in "Girl, Interrupted." She paused to let the world know she was "so in love" with her brother before continuing her acceptance speech. Being crazy? Good. Kissing your brother in public? No comment.

4. Michael Moore for Best Documentary Feature

Documentary filmmaker Michael Moore decided to skip his "thank you" list and put former President Bush on blast instead at the 75th Annual Academy Awards. He used his acceptance speech to publicly criticize the Iraq war by shouting, "We are against this war Mr. Bush! Shame on you Mr. Bush!" Moore was boo-ed by the crowd and left the rest of the actors in the audience in a state of confusion.

5. Halle Berry for Best Actress

Halle Berry made history when she took home the Oscar for Best Actress, becoming the first African American female to ever win in the prestigious category. Claiming that "[that] moment [was] bigger than [herself]," Halle Berry created a touching scene by listing off several other talented African American actresses who stood beside her. Berry made a historic step for actresses of color, but she also made a historic step for dramatic, over-the-top speeches! She may have freaked out just a tad bit, but we'll forgive her because she definitely deserved to have her moment.

Read Neon Tommy's full coverage of the 2013 Oscars here.

Reach Staff Reporter Meena Jang here.



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