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Oscars 2013: Did 'Argo' Deserve To Win?

Dale Chong |
February 24, 2013 | 9:33 p.m. PST

Staff Reporter

The 2013 Oscars has finally arrived and everyone's lined up their predictions, the most popular of which is the category of Best Picture. A lot of hype was built up for this prestigious category. "Argo" stood along with fellow nominees "Lincoln," "Silver Linings Playbook," "Life of Pi," "Les Miserables," "Zero Dark Thirty," "Django Unchained," "Beasts Of The Southern Wild," and "Amour." For the most part, "Argo" was heavily predicted to win the Oscar for Best Picture. However, there has been quite a bit of support for the other nominees as well. 

The top two runners for the award were "Argo" and "Lincoln." Both shared many of the same nominations, and had great reason to earn the most anticipated title of the evening. Not only is "Lincoln" a nominee for Best Picture, it is also nominated for seven other categories including Best Adapted Screenplay, Best Cinematography, Best Film Editing, Best Music (Original Score), and Best Production Design, not to mention the various individual nominees such as Daniel Day-Lewis for Best Actor, and Sally Fields for Best Supporting Actress. Clearly, "Lincoln" has earned the right for recognition. "Lincoln" was the highest grossing film of all the nominees, closely followed by "Django Unchained" and "Les Miserables," and after that "Argo."

Some might have guessed that "Les Miserables" would take home the little gold statue. The incredible never-before-done approach of creating its soundtrack gave the story more credibility and meaning. Its overall production is outstanding as well, yet it is rare for a musical-to-movie adaptation wins a title like Best Picture. With its fresh take on musical-movies, "Les Miserables" proudly earned its nomination. 

Ben Affleck receiving the Oscar for Best Picture (TwitPic)
Ben Affleck receiving the Oscar for Best Picture (TwitPic)
Overall, "Argo" won its Oscar fairly. Ben Affleck's direction takes an approach to this true-story based film like no other. Many would say "Argo" came out with its win unexpectedly. Up against all of the films nominated, it almost sounds like "Argo" did not receive as much attention as others. It also is the fourth film in Academy Awards history to win Best Picture without having a nomination for Best Director (unlike fellow nominees "Lincoln," "Silver Linings Playbook," "Life of Pi," "Amour," and "Beasts of the Southern Wild"). As "Argo" took home the gold statue and Affleck made an hasty yet endearing acceptance speech, it became Hollywood's favorite film of the year.

Contact Staff Reporter Dale Chong here. Follow her on Twitter here



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