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A Night With The Men Of 'Workaholics'

Kaitlyn Durocher |
February 8, 2013 | 4:33 p.m. PST

Staff Reporter

Holms, Anderson and DeVine with Staff Reporter Kaitlyn Durocher. (Image courtesy of Kaitlyn Durocher)
Holms, Anderson and DeVine with Staff Reporter Kaitlyn Durocher. (Image courtesy of Kaitlyn Durocher)

The cast of Comedy Central's popular show “Workaholics” came to USC to give students an inside look on “getting weird.” The three main characters and creators of the show talked on stage at the Bovard Auditorium in front of a packed crowd Thursday night.

“Are you guys ready to take it sleazy, because it’s going to get sleazy tonight” shouted SComedy host, Jack Michelman.

Adam DeVine, Blake Anderson, and Anders Holms, the show's three stars were friends long before the hit series came to Comedy Central.

The three guys went to Orange Coast College together and are best friends off-camera as well as on. Comedy Central found the group through YouTube as they started off by posting funny videos to their page called “Mail Order Comedy”. The station saw their clips, and asked if they could turn it into a show. 

“Some people approached us with like some office building and we were like 'Well, we’ve never worn ties in the show before,'” DeVine said about how the group was discovered, “that’s literally how dumb it was. That’s how it started. It wasn’t some big plan.”

The comedy became an instant success. “Workaholics” focuses on three guys who work together as telemarketers, but don’t really do any work at all. It portrays their adventures and mishaps with wit and endless amounts of humor. From making raps to wearing bear-fur coats, the show never fails to entertain.

“It’s really cool to have the response we’ve had,” DeVine said.

According to the cast, about 34 percent of their show is improv, and the rest they at least try to map out. The cast writes all of the episodes by spending hours together just joking around.

The crowd went nuts as "Workaholics" kicked off the night with a screening of a season three episode that had never been seen before the event. 

“We have a cool party animal fan base,” Anderson said once the crowd calmed down. 

After the screening the cast bantered on about different topics and questions that Michelman presented to them throughout the discussion. At one point, Holms even rapped for the crowd and DeVine took off his shirt… settle down ladies.

During the question-and-answer portion of the show, students came up and asked the cast a variety of things. From requesting hugs to making DeVine, who was also Bumper Allen in the box office hit “Pitch Perfect,” sing some a cappella, the crowd loved every second of it.

In a backstage interview the cast joked about how they always knew they’d be famous off of their YouTube channel and how in reality they aren’t friends at all (obviously it was total sarcasm.) 

With a strongly inappropriate, yet hilarious sense of humor, "Workaholics" definitely speaks for itself. Be sure to tune in Wednesdays at 10/9 c on Comedy Central!

Reach Staff Reporter Kaitlyn Durocher here.



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