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Drug Cannon Found Near U.S.-Mexico Border

Francesca Bessey |
February 28, 2013 | 8:53 p.m. PST

Executive Producer

The confiscation is the first of its kind that U.S. authorities are aware of. ("it was 3 a.m.", Creative Commons)
The confiscation is the first of its kind that U.S. authorities are aware of. ("it was 3 a.m.", Creative Commons)

Mexican authorities have confiscated an air-powered cannon, designed to fire bags of illegal drugs over the U.S.-Mexico border, found in the back of a pickup truck in Mexicali, CNN reported Thursday. The confiscation is the first that U.S. authories are aware of, said one official.

Andy Adame, special operations supervisor for the Joint Field Command Arizona of U.S. Customs and Border Protection said that the cannon is one a series of innovative methods Mexican drug operations have used to smuggle controlled substances into the United States.

"It seems like within the last five to 10 years they have gotten really, really creative in how they bring their drugs across," he said.


Read the full story and see photos of the drug cannon at CNN.

Reach Executive Producer Francesca Bessey here; follow her here.



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