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Alabama Boy Safe and Kidnapper Dead After FBI Standoff

Jacqueline Jackson |
February 4, 2013 | 4:11 p.m. PST

Executive Producer

Jimmy Dykes was pronounced dead on the scene. (Alabama Department of Public Safety)
Jimmy Dykes was pronounced dead on the scene. (Alabama Department of Public Safety)
A 5-year-old boy has been released from the underground bunker earlier Monday after being held hostage for five days.

Last week Jimmy Lee Dykes, a 65-year-old Navy veteran, shot and killed school bus driver Charles Poland Jr before kidnapping the child last Wednesday.  

After almost a week, the FBI decided it was time to go in. Stephen E. Richardson, Alabama's FBI agent ran the entire investigation and standoff. Early this week he became increasingly fearful for the child's safety and requested immediate entry into the bunker,

As Richardson told the L. A. Times:

“Within the past 24 hours, negotiations deteriorated and Mr. Dykes was observed holding a gun,” Richardson said.“At this point, FBI agents, fearing the child was in imminent danger, entered the bunker and rescued the child." he said.

Dykes was pronounced dead at the scene and the child was removed from the bunker and transferred to the nearest hospital for routine tests.

STORIFY: Check out the nations reaction to the 5-year-old's release here

To learn more about the capture of Jimmy Dykes and the Alabama Standoff visit Neon Tommy's coverage here.

Reach Contributor Jacqueline Jackson here; follow her here.



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