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Senate Democrats Will Introduce Tax Reforms

Paresh Dave |
January 20, 2013 | 3:27 p.m. PST

Executive Director

Sen. Charles Schumer. (SenRockefeller/Flickr)
Sen. Charles Schumer. (SenRockefeller/Flickr)
With House Republicans agreeing to temporarily raise the debt ceiling, Congress will have more time to work on the first real budget deal in four years. And the Senate's number two Democrat said Sunday that the Senate would work on a budget bill that includes tax reform in the coming months.

 “We Democrats have always intended to do a budget this year,” Sen. Charles Schumer said. “We’re going to do a budget this year and it’s going to have revenues in it. And our Republican colleagues better get used to that fact."

The budget would include tax increases, he said, but also several changes that Republicans should be willing to support.

House Republicans also plan to work on a tax reform bill.

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