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Senate Democrats Aim For Filibuster Reform

Salomon Fuentes |
January 22, 2013 | 3:02 p.m. PST

Executive Producer

The U.S. Senate could forever change the filibuster (Creative Commons/mag3737)
The U.S. Senate could forever change the filibuster (Creative Commons/mag3737)
U.S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) announced plans Tuesday to change the Senate's filibuster rule using what many have described as the "nuclear option."

The plan, expected to go forward in the next 24 to 36 hours, would allow the Democrats, who have the 51 votes necessary to make changes to Senate rules under what Reid has said is the "constitutional option," to bypass any Republican opposition.

Such changes would mean that the Democrats would be able to pass legislation or approve President Obama's nominees with a simple up or down vote instead of having to get a two-thirds majority--thereby requiring significant Republican support-- to attempt a vote.

Its also been described as the "nuclear option," because of the precedent set. If the Democrats were to lose their majority in the Senate in a future election, the same rule change could be used against them.

One current provision that would be protected is the "talking filibuster," which would allow opposition filibuster so long as a senator remains on the senate floor, holding a debate.

Negociations for a compromise continued between senior Democrats and Republicans late Tuesday afternoon, though no deal has been reached.

Reach Writer Salomon Fuentes here; follow him on Twitter here.



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