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Sandy Relief Bill Snubbed By GOP

Amanda Martinez |
January 2, 2013 | 12:23 p.m. PST

Executive Producer


The House took no action on the multibillion-dollar relief package. (Creative Commons)
The House took no action on the multibillion-dollar relief package. (Creative Commons)
The House of Representatives delayed action on a Superstorm Sandy relief measure that would pour billions into the recovery of affected states, despite a call for immediate action by President Obama.

The House, which previously countered a Senate approved $60-billion measure with an approved $27-billion bill, gave no explanation for the bypass.

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and New York Democrat Andrew Cuomo issued a joint statement, calling "continued inaction and indifference by the House’’’ 66 days since Sandy hit "inexcusable."

They continued: "The fact that days continue to go by while people suffer, families are out of their homes, and men and women remain jobless and struggling during these harsh winter months is a dereliction of duty."

House Speaker John Boehner faced criticism, even within his own party. Republican Rep. Pete King of New York called the indecision a "cruel knife in the back" to the Northeast, while New Jersey Republican Rep. Frank LoBiondo said, "We demand nothing less than we have given the rest of the country," before referencing the swift relief action following Katrina.

Beohner is expected to meet with Republican House members of New York and New Jersey later Wednesday.

Read the full story at the LA Times.

For more of Neon Tommy's coverage on Superstorm Sandy click here.

Reach Executive Producer Amanda Martinez here.



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