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San Diego Police Shoot Armed Man In Movie Theater

Danny Lee |
January 13, 2013 | 11:04 a.m. PST

Executive Producer

San Diego police shot a 20-year-old armed suspect during a screening of "Les Miserables." (San Diego Shooter/Creative Commons)
San Diego police shot a 20-year-old armed suspect during a screening of "Les Miserables." (San Diego Shooter/Creative Commons)
Officers rushed into a San Diego movie theater and shot and critically wounded a gunman hiding among moviegoers during a screening of "Les Miserables," the Associated Press reported.

No one else was harmed during the Saturday shooting inside Reading Cinemas Carmel Mountain, officer David Stafford said. The gunman, identified as 20-year-old Tom Billodeaux, was taken to a hospital after being shot in the arm and chest.

Billodeaux became the target of a police search after witnesses said they saw him getting into a fight with his girlfriend across the street from a shopping plaza where the Cineplex is located. Witnesses who tried to restrain Billodeaux said he threatened them with a gun and ran to the shopping plaza.

Capt. Terry McManus said the gunman initially obeyed police orders to put his hands up, but then put them back in his lap and brandished a handgun. One of the officers opened fire because they thought their lives were threatened, McManus said.

It was the second shooting at a San Diego area movie theater over the weekend. A shooting during a fight in the parking lot at Edwards San Marcos Stadium 18 left a concession worker with an arm injury when a shot went through the lobby window and struck her.


Read the full story at the Associated Press.

Reach Executive Producer Danny Lee here; follow him here.



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