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Poisoned Lottery Winner To Have Body Exhumed

Jacob Freedman |
January 8, 2013 | 3:26 p.m. PST

Executive Producer

The cyanide in Khan's body was not immediately detected by investigators (Wikimedia Commons).
The cyanide in Khan's body was not immediately detected by investigators (Wikimedia Commons).
Just a month after winning $1 million from buying his first lottery ticket in two years, Urooj Khan died from cyanide poisoning after dinner in his Chicago home.

After originally concluding the 46-year-old Indian immigrant died of natural causes on July 20, toxicology reports found six months later revealed a lethal amount of cyanide in Khan's system.

The Chicago Medical Examiner's Office did not conduct autopsies on people 45 or older at the time, but an unnamed relative of Khan's requested a second look. Authorities are now investigating the case as a homicide and plan to exhume Khan's body in order to further the case.

“I really want them to go for it because I really want to know what exactly happened,” said Khan's wife, Shabana Ansari, to the Chicago Sun-Times. “I wish God will reveal the truth — the sooner the better.”

According to the Associated Press:

Chicago police Superintendent Garry McCarthy told reporters Tuesday that he had never seen anything like it in his 32 years of policing in New York, New Jersey and now Chicago. "So, I'm not going to say that I've seen everything," McCarthy said.

Khan opted for a $600,000 lump sum payment from his winnings, which ended up being around $425,000 after taxes. His check was issued July 19, the day before his death.

Read more about the story here.

Reach Executive Producer Jacob Freedman here or follow him on Twitter.



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