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Khloe On Being The "Bigger” Kardashian...Is She Pregnant?

Andrea Martinez |
January 23, 2013 | 12:46 a.m. PST

Staff Reporter

Khloe Kardashian (Pinterest)
Khloe Kardashian (Pinterest)
At 5-foot-10-inches, the youngest of the Kardashian sisters stands taller and fuller-figured than her sisters, making her a target for the tabloids. But Khloe doesn’t let the haters bring her down. In a recent interview with Glamour Magazine, the Kardashian once again stands up against hollywood’s unrealistic beauty standards. 

"A few years ago I lost 30 pounds, and people still wanted to criticize. And honestly, I’m happy with myself if I’m a little heavier. I realized: Why am I trying to conform to someone else’s idea of beauty? I think I’m beautiful either way,"Khloe tells Glamour magazine.  

Props to you Khloe, especially since this isn’t the first time the starlet had to defend her body. In early 2012, Khloe opened up on her website about having been bullied as a child. She admits to being made fun of as a kid for being overweight and heavier than her sisters. “I’m called the fat sister," she told E! News back in May, 2012. "I’m called the ugliest Kardashian." 

In 2010, Khloe also took to YouTube to call the internet gossip mogul Perez Hilton her “personal bully” for calling her names like “fugly” and “tranny” on his website.

Khloe is not the only Kardashian who’s had to deal with body image issues in the past. Oldest sister Kourtney has been shown trying to shed her baby weight after having her first child, Mason. In the first season of ‘Kourtney and Khloe take Miami’ The older sister was shown in the back of an ambulance after not eating and an excessive workout regimen.

The famous trio also started their own weightloss system, Quicktrim, in which all three admitted to losing weight using the product. 

It seems these days Khloe cares less about what the media has to say. She told Glamour magazine that when it comes to beauty, she tries “not comparing herself” to her famous sisters. Khloe is happy with her size and feels comfortable in her own skin, sending a positive message out to her young fans and setting an example for Hollywood. That is why she is (and will always be) the favorite Kardashian!  

UPDATE: Is Khloe Kardashian pregnant? According to Hollywood Life, after years of fertility struggles, Khloe and husband Lamar Odom are finally expecting! If confirmed, the youngest Kardashian will be pregnant at the same time with sister Kim, and both will reportedly be featured together in their own new reality show.

Follow Staff Reporter Andrea Martinez here.



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