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"Grey's Anatomy" Recap: Walking On A Dream

Briana Dixon |
January 25, 2013 | 12:19 p.m. PST

Staff Reporter

"Grey's Anatomy" ABC Thursdays at 9. (ABC)
"Grey's Anatomy" ABC Thursdays at 9. (ABC)

This week on "Grey's", the doctors receive a visitor who will ultimately decide how the hospital will run in the future. Let's recap now.

Phantom Limb: Just when we think everything is getting back to normal with Arizona, another issue arises. This time, Arizona is suffering from Phantom Limb syndrome, a very real disease that amputees experience. Arizona feels unbearable pain in her amputated leg, and the pain is affecting her performance in the hospital. The inexplicable pain makes Arizona feel like she is going crazy and keeps the issue to herself. Owen finds her at a weak point, and vows to help her overcome her Phantom Limb syndrome. 

New Girl: With Seattle Grace in a tight spot financially in the aftermath of the plane crash verdict, Dr. Cahill (guest star Constance Zimmer) is assigned to their case and enters the hospital with the intention to assess the financial situation and help make cuts in the program where necessary in order to keep the hospital open. She is not greeted with a warm welcome, as she insists on being present in every surgery and in every checkup.

Pregnancy Hormones: Meredith is entering her second trimester of pregnancy, and with that comes immense and intense hormones. She cries when she's mad, when she's sad, and when she's happy. Her intern Ross is getting on her last nerve, and everytime he does something wrong, the watergates flood. While assisting a patient who desperately needs a new liver, Meredith runs right into her worst fear- flying on a plane again. In order to retrieve the donor liver, she and Ross must fly to Oregon. Meredith bravely gets on the plane at the last minute and successfully retrieves the organ. 

What's Ahead: At the end of the episode, the new assistant calls a meeting to discuss her observations and proposals for Seattle Grace. She suggests a dramatic cut in closing the ER of the hospital. Derek immediately interjects, but Bailey is quick to shut him down, as she points out- not everyone has a "couple million to fall back on", and the woman is only trying to help.

What will happen to Seattle Grace? Will the ER be closed for good?

Tune in next week to find out! Check out the promo below:

Reach reporter Briana Dixon here, and follow her on Twitter here



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