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Biden Promises Action On Gun Control

Hannah Madans |
January 10, 2013 | 12:54 p.m. PST

Executive Producer

President Barack Obama is planning to pass legislation to prevent gun violence. (Creative Commons)
President Barack Obama is planning to pass legislation to prevent gun violence. (Creative Commons)
President Barack Obama is planning to pass legislation to prevent gun violence, which representatives of gun organizations were told Wednesday, according to the NY Times.

Among those present were representatives of the Brady Campaign to End Gun Violence, Mayors Against Illegal Guns, States United to Prevent Gun Violence and some state organizations.

“The president and I are determined to take action. This is not an exercise in photo opportunities,” Vice President Joseph R. Biden said.

During the meeting on gun control, Biden said action would occur quickly. He promised to offer recommendations by Tuesday, reported the Guardian.

The meeting is part of an effort to develop a proposal in response to the mass shooting in Newtown, Conn. last month. A panel led by Biden will offer recommendations this month.

Biden has said it will not be an all-or-nothing approach.

“We are not going to get caught up in the notion unless we can do everything, we’re not going to do anything,” Biden said.

Biden also mentioned the possibility of executive actions that would not require Congressional approval. This would include efforts to prosecute people who lie on background checks.



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