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Neon Tommy - Annenberg digital news

Obama Back To Business

Catherine Green |
December 26, 2012 | 10:06 a.m. PST

Executive Producer


Duty calls for the president to head back to Washington. (Official White House photo)
Duty calls for the president to head back to Washington. (Official White House photo)
President Barack Obama returns to Washington, D.C., Wednesday, cutting his vacation short to deal with the looming fiscal cliff.

The Washington Post reported a White House official had confirmed the president would fly home from Hawaii this evening, after just five days off for the holiday.

Obama had said before leaving he hoped lawmakers would have time to cool off over break to get back to business before the end of the year.

Congress will return on Thursday, though there are no specific talks with the president scheduled yet.

Read the full story here, and more of Neon Tommy's fiscal cliff coverage here.


Reach Executive Producer Catherine Green here. Follow her here.



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