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Newark Mayor Cory Booker To Run For Senate In 2014

Danielle Tarasiuk |
December 20, 2012 | 3:11 p.m. PST

Executive Producer

Newark Mayor Cory Booker/ Creative Commons
Newark Mayor Cory Booker/ Creative Commons
Republican New Jersey governor, Chris Christie can rest assured that his tenure in office will not be threatened by Cory Booker, the popular Democrat and mayor of  Newark. 

Booker, who is known for convincing Mark Zuckerberg to donate $100 million to Newark public schools, running into burning buildings to save a neighbor’s life and delivering Sandy supplies, would have been a real threat to Christie. 

Now due to some convincing from The White House, Booker is gearing up to run for the Senate seat currently held by fellow Democrat Frank Lautenberg. At 88-years-old Lautenberg is the oldest sitting senator. 

In a video posted on his YouTube page on Thursday, Booker said that after finishing his term as mayor he will “explore the possibility of running for the United States Senate in 2014.” 


Read more here.

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