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Hillary Clinton Hospitalized For Blood Clot

Catherine Green |
December 31, 2012 | 8:54 a.m. PST

Executive Producer


Doctors placed Clinton under monitoring for 48 hours when they found the clot. (Wikimedia Commons)
Doctors placed Clinton under monitoring for 48 hours when they found the clot. (Wikimedia Commons)
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is resting at New York Presbyterian Hospital after doctors discovered a blood clot Sunday during a follow-up appointment after her concussion earlier this month.

CNN reported Clinton is being treated with anticoagulants. Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Philippe Reines said doctors would monitor her condition through Tuesday, but did not specify the location of the clot.

Clinton suffered the concussion when she fainted as a result of a stomach virus earlier this month. Her staff cited the illness as reason for her to bow out of a Dec. 20 testimony before the House Foreign Affairs Committee about the Sept. 11 attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya.

She had expected to return to work this week after three weeks out of the office.

Read the full story here, and more Neon Tommy stories on the current Secretary of State here.


Reach Executive Producer Catherine Green here. Follow her here.



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