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"Gossip Girl" Music Recap: The Night The Music Went Missing

Cortney Riles |
December 4, 2012 | 12:54 p.m. PST

Staff Reporter

C&B Back in action....let's hope for the best. (CW)
C&B Back in action....let's hope for the best. (CW)
Some watch, for the fashion, and the occasional dramatic outbursts.

Some listen, for classic, trendy and fitting tunes, as well as the occasional witty one-liners.  

But what happens when the ensembles are breath taking and the music is fairly non-existent, aside from GG stylist Eric Daman receiving thousands of tweets? I expect critical listeners are seriously tempted to change the channel upon every commercial. At least my thumb was worn out by 9:45 from moving between the 'channel up' and 'last' buttons.

Last night was a musical let down. I knew last week's nine-song episode was too good to be true. But here’s what I gathered from “It’s Really Complicated,” episode 8. 

Opening: “For You” by Wolf Rider

Humprhey and his “I’m trying to be Sebastian from Creul Intentions” long black coat and proud stride, proves he much rather stay “lonely boy” than officially become “Serena’s boy.”

Bart is killing everyone. Well at least Bruce Kaplan and the Sheik…and it looks like Chuck (his very own son) might be next. 

Bart is also physically showing his temper. He grabbed Lily inappropriately after she accused him of not telling her the truth.

Dan tells all…about Serena.

      S: “You were supposed to be different.”

      D: “I was…that got me nowhere, so now I’m just the same.”

Semi-Closing: “Silent Machine (She Loves You)” by Cat Power

Nate gives Dan a piece of his fist from the entire Upper East Side crew.

Bart resorts to the help, I mean, use of Dan to ensure he’ll get his way.

Lily and Chuck are allies once again.

Serena attempts to salvage things with Steven (after he proves her wrong about Dan), but fails. While Sage successfully gets back together with Nate.

Chuck and Blair make amends…to take down Bart of course.

Apparently when things get complicated the music is put on pause. Let's keep our fingers crossed for next week, the second to last episode...ever. 

You know you hear me, xoxo. 

Reach Staff Reporter Cortney Riles here



Craig Gillespie directed this true story about "the most daring rescue mission in the history of the U.S. Coast Guard.”

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