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George Zimmerman Photo From Night Of Shooting Leaked

Elizabeth Johnson |
December 3, 2012 | 4:27 p.m. PST

Executive Producer

The new photo of George Zimmerman, released by his legal team.
The new photo of George Zimmerman, released by his legal team.
A color photo of George Zimmerman from the night he shot and killed Trayvon Martin was released by Zimmerman’s legal team Monday. The image shows Zimmerman with a broken nose and blood on his face, which could help his argument of self-defense in the shooting death of the unarmed Florida teen.

The incident, which occurred in February, has garnered widespread media attention for its alleged racial foundations. Zimmerman, 29, pleaded not guilty to second-degree murder but claims that he shot the African American teen in self-defense during a confrontation. He will return for trial in June of 2013.

The photo was posted on the website for George Zimmerman’s defense team with the explanation that they will make more documents related to the case available on the site. But a lawyer for Martin’s family said the photo doesn't provide any new information, as it had already been established that Zimmerman was hit in the nose during the fight.

“What we're waiting to see is an X-ray showing that he's got a broken nose,” said the Martins' lawyer Benjamin Crump. “Right now it's just an allegation.”

Read more at NBC News.

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