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Dems Push For Gun Control After Connecticut Shooting

Danny Lee |
December 15, 2012 | 3:34 p.m. PST

Executive Producer

Democratic lawmakers want to put gun control back on the discussion table one day after a shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School. (Creative Commons)
Democratic lawmakers want to put gun control back on the discussion table one day after a shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School. (Creative Commons)
A senior congressional Democrat is calling on fellow lawmakers to pass sweeping gun control measures a day after the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., Reuters reported.

Rep. John Larson provided a list of specific polices he wanted Congress to vote on after the mass shooting in his home state left 26 people plus the gunman and his mother dead. The massacre increased pressure on President Barack Obama and other Democrats to push for more gun control laws, who will be up against a Republican-controlled House that could block such proposals.

"Of the 12 deadliest shootings in our nation's history, half of them have happened in the last five years," Larson said. "And there is not a single person in America who doesn't fear it will happen again."

Larson said Congress must vote on measures such as requiring background checks for all gun sales, in addition to banning assault weapons and high-capacity clips. Other Democrats who have joined Larson in the plea for stricter gun control include Connecticut Sen. Richard Blumenthal, New York Rep. Carolyn McCarthy and California Rep. George Miller.

Democrats have been hesitant to pass new control laws, fearing backlash from gun-owning voters and lobbyists. The National Rifle Association did not donate money to Obama's campaign during the 2012 presidential election, throwing its support behind GOP challenger Mitt Romney instead.


Read the full story at Reuters. Follow more Neon Tommy coverage of the Newtown shooting here.

Reach Executive Producer Danny Lee here; follow him here.



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