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Delhi Rape Victim Dies In Hospital

Aaron Liu |
December 28, 2012 | 4:49 p.m. PST

Assistant News Editor

The woman had been transported to a hospital in Singapore after spending 10 days in a New Delhi hospital. (Google Maps)
The woman had been transported to a hospital in Singapore after spending 10 days in a New Delhi hospital. (Google Maps)
A 23-year-old woman who was beaten and gang-raped on a bus in New Delhi has died in a hospital in Singapore.

Police in India have arrested six people connected to the crime. 

From the Associated Press:

She "passed away peacefully" with her family and officials of the Indian embassy by her side," said Dr. Kevin Loh, the chief executive of Mount Elizabeth hospital where she had been treated since Thursday. "The Mount Elizabeth Hospital team of doctors, nurses and staff join her family in mourning her loss," he said in a statement. 

The woman had been flown out to Mount Elizabeth hospital after spending 10 days in a New Delhi hospital. The attack on Dec. 16 had left her with severe internal injuries from an iron rod inserted into her body. Officials have not disclosed names of the woman or her male friend, who was also beaten by the attackers.

News of the horrific crime triggered widespread outrage in India and around the world. Thousands poured out to protest what they see as a pervasive attitude in India that does not take sexual violence seriously and places the blame on the victim. Many cases of sexual violence go unreported; those that do can take years to result in a conviction. 

Read the full story here. Reach reporter Aaron Liu here



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