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Channing Tatum Is Taking A Year Off Acting

Leah Harari |
December 6, 2012 | 1:16 p.m. PST

Staff Reporter

Channing Tatum (Photo Credit- Creative Commons)
Channing Tatum (Photo Credit- Creative Commons)
In an unexpected move, one of Hollywood's biggest a-listers is taking a break from acting. 

After a hugely successful year with big-screen hits "The Vow," "21 Jump Street" and "Magic Mike," Channing Tatum is taking a year off to work on other projects.  

Moving behind the scenes, Tatum is searching for a piece to direct with his production partner and "Magic Mike" screenwriter Reid Carolin, Entertainment Weekly reports. 

“[Reid and I] have about three to four ideas that we love that are all in the hopper. By the end of next year, we’re going to shut things down and write the first thing that we’re going to direct. We’re going to be like, alright, no more acting parts for a minute, let’s take a few and really get caring about that section of our career," said the 32-year-old. 

Tatum and Carolin are also in the process of developing a "Magic Mike" sequel as well as a biopic about famed daredevil Evel Knievel. 

In an incredibly busy year, "The Vow" actor starred in five films in 2012, and has at least another four ready to go for 2013, earning him a spot on this year's Entertainment Weekly's "Entertainers of the Year" list. Tatum also earned the title of People's "2012's Sexiest Man Alive" earlier this year, joining the ranks of previous winners including Johnny Depp, Brad Pitt and Bradley Cooper. 

Reach Staff Reporter Leah Harari here. 



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