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Walmart Parking Spot Fight Leaves Two Shot

Paige Brettingen |
November 23, 2012 | 4:30 p.m. PST

Executive Producer

An argument over a Walmart parking spot nearly turns fatal (Creative Commons)
An argument over a Walmart parking spot nearly turns fatal (Creative Commons)

Two people were shot outside a Walmart in Tallahassee, Fla., on Friday over a parking space, according to Fox News:

  • A man and a woman -- discovered at the store's outdoor garden center -- were taken to a nearby hospital with wounds that were not considered life-threatening. They were expected to make a full recovery.
  • No arrests were immediately made, but police were searching for a dark green Toyota Camry in connection with the case.

SEE ALSO: Black Friday 2012: Don't Believe All The Hype

Find more Neon Tommy coverage of Black Friday here.
Reach Executive Producer Paige Brettingen here. Follow her here.



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