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Jefferson, Colorado Exit Poll: 'I Worry About My Daughter With Republican White House'

Michelle Bergmann, Zhao Chen |
November 6, 2012 | 5:09 p.m. PST

Staff Reporter

Obama and Romney after a debate in Colorado. (Obama for America/Flickr)
Obama and Romney after a debate in Colorado. (Obama for America/Flickr)
Republicans in Jefferson County, Colorado believe the economy will be the trump card for Mitt Romney to capture the county's majority. But Democrats say on social issues, Obama will win out.

“It’s the economy that is leading up to the election day. As we like to say ‘it is the economy stupid,’” said Republican County Secretary in Jefferson Dave Grider.

“As far as the state house is concerned, it is an issue of whether or not we gain majority. We are 10 seats away statewide for Romney. We think with the president on the ballot that’s going to make the democrats vulnerable. We may pick up a congressional seat in the Lexington area,” added Grider.

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Romney promised he will place the American economy back on the right track during his visit to Jefferson in September. It was his first stop in the U.S. after returning from an international tour.

“Talk is cheap, I understand. How to get America working again? This is not just hope,” said Romney to a rally at Jefferson County Fairgrounds. 

The GOP party in Jefferson County has been going all out.

“We are selecting three state house races, a state senate race, three metro council races that are particularly leaning our way. They happen to overlap with other districts. We are trying to maximize our box and maximize our walkers with the coincidence of the over lap,” said Grider.

However, voters may still feel infuriated with Romney for the remarks he made at a closed-door fundraiser, and polls across the country showed Romney lagging behind in crucial swing states in the final days of the election.

Padma Thornlyre, a waiter at Creekside Cellars in Jefferson who is also a single father, said he has already voted to re-elect incumbent President Obama because he believes Obama has an ambitious agenda and has accomplished a great deal despite the congress.

Ken Kelley, a 52 year-old independent sales representative in Jefferson, voted for Obama four years ago and still believes in his policies and thinks more years are needed for Obama to accomplish his goal. Kelley also expressed his disappointment at how difficult for politicians to cooperate across the aisle.

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“The obstructionist GOP vote no on every proposal regardless of what it is. I believe that is a difficult framework to work with. No wonder Obama has not been able to make changes as fast,” added Kelley

For Thornlyre, among all the other issues, healthcare is the top concern in his voting decision.

“I wait tables for a living. We don’t have health insurance. I am in my 50’s now and I need access to health care. We are not in an industry. I feel pretty vulnerable especially getting older. I am part of the 47% that Romney talks about in disdain and people don’t know what it’s like to suffer from not having health insurance,” said Thornlyre

Romney’s stance on women’s issue is also where Thornlyre disagree intensely.

“I am a single father of daughter that just turned 13 years old and I want her to have access to health care and women’s health care. And these crazy people think the state can control their bodies are out of their mind. I worry about my daughter with Republican white house,” he added.

As far as Thornlyre is concerned, the reason for the enormous divided political standing in Jefferson lies in the huge disparity in wealth.

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“The wealthy will go for Romney and the blue collars will go for Obama. Highly educated voters will vote for Obama, too, ” said Thornlyre.

Thornlyre said Obama will win Jefferson County even if he may fail to win nationally.

Reach Staff Reporter Zhao Chen here.

Reach Staff Reporter Michelle Bergmann here




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