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Political Ads Swarm Televisions In California

Anna Catherine Brigida |
November 5, 2012 | 7:56 p.m. PST

Staff Reporter

"Molly Munger" (Creative Commons)
"Molly Munger" (Creative Commons)

Anyone turning on the television in California the day before the election was bound to be bombarded with advertisements for any of the Propositions they will have to vote for on Election Day. During one commercial break for Ellen, five out of six commercials were politically driven.

One popular ad that hopes to pull on viewers’ heartstrings is a “Yes on 34” ad. This ad encourages Californians to vote to end the death penalty. 

Franky Carrillo advocates for the Proposition in this ad by sharing his own story. He was wrongly convicted of murder but was not proven innocent for 20 years.

Other advertisements included commercials for “Yes on 38” which claims to put money directly into schools by “bypassing Sacramento,” unlike Proposition 30.

ALSO SEE: Prop 30 Vs. Prop 38: Why Parents And Teachers Are Divided

Actor Edward James Olmos stars in one of these ads, stating his disapproval of California schools for ranking 47th in spending per student. 

Molly Munger has spent the most money of any single group or person in support of a Proposition, spending almost $33 million to support Proposition 38 according to the Sacremento Bee

Her brother, Charles Munger, has spent the most money of any single person or group opposing a Proposition. He has spent almost $22 million against the competing Proposition 30. 

One “Yes on 39” ad aimed to sell voters by emphasizing that the Proposition will add jobs to California by closing the current corporate tax loopholes.

The biggest financial contributor in support of Proposition 39 is Tom Steyer, philanthropist and founder of Farallon Capital. He has spent close to $22 million.

California Nurses Association and other groups advocated for “Yes on 37” which would require more specific food labeling so that consumers would know if their food was genetically engineered. 

Some candidates who ran ads the day before the election included Bill Bloomfield for Congress, Gloria Negrete McLeod for Congress and Alan Jackson for District Attorney. 

Measure J, which would increase funding to transportation, and Measure B, which would require actors in pornography to wear condoms, also had ads running the day before Election Day. 

Reach Staff Reporter Anna Catherine Brigida here



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