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Morsi's Opponents Respond Angrily To His New Powers

Cara Palmer |
November 24, 2012 | 10:24 a.m. PST

Executive Producer

Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi has granted himself new powers. (Creative Commons)
Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi has granted himself new powers. (Creative Commons)
The leaders of several political parties in Egypt have called for their followers to march to Tahrir Square. They are protesting what they call the "fascist, despotic consitutional declaration" Morsi issued on Thursday, granting himself new powers.

The liberal Dustour Party stated, "We are facing a historic moment in which we either complete our revolution or we abandon it to become prey for a group that has put its narrow party interests above the national interest."

When the protesters occupied Tahrir Square on Saturday, they clashed with police. Police fired tear gas at crowds throwing stones. A school near the interior ministry was set on fire.

Morsi is also facing reprisals from judges "who accused him on Saturday of expanding his powers at their expense," according to Reuters.


Read more of Neon Tommy's coverage of Mohamed Morsi here.

Reach Executive Producer Cara Palmer here; follow her here.



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