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Neon Tommy - Annenberg digital news

Molly Munger Continues Fighting For Proposition 38

Shako Liu, Roonhee Ko, Shunqi Lin |
November 6, 2012 | 9:18 p.m. PST

Staff Reporters

Molly Munger (Paresh Dave/Neon Tommy).
Molly Munger (Paresh Dave/Neon Tommy).
The Yes on Proposition 38 campaign held a private reception on South Flower Street in Los Angeles Tuesday night while waiting for the election’s result. Molly Munger, the primary advocate behind Proposition 38, attended briefly and expressed her belief in promoting increasing taxes on earnings using a sliding scale for 12 years. 

Munger said protecting children's rights is important and Proposition 38 is the only initiative that helps promote early childhood programs.

She also said she will keep fighting for Proposition 38 if she loses the campaign. 



Read more of Neon Tommy's coverage on Proposition 38 here.

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