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Jackie Lacey Leads In Early Counting For L.A. County D.A. Race

Hannah Madans |
November 6, 2012 | 9:14 p.m. PST

Executive Producer

L.A. City Hall (Creative Commons)
L.A. City Hall (Creative Commons)
L.A. County D.A. candidate, prosecutor Jackie Lacey led in the early vote tally Tuesday against  Deputy Dis. Atty. Alan Jackson.

The early count includes mail-in ballots. Lacey currently leads 56 percent to 44 percent, according to the L.A. Times.

The L.A Times reported:

Lacey has the support of her boss, Dist. Atty. Steve Cooley, who is retiring after three terms. Jackson, a star trial attorney in the office, is best known for his successful murder prosecution of music producer Phil Spector.

A spokesman for Jackson cautioned against reading too much into the early vote tally. Campaign strategist John Thomas said Jackson has relied largely on recent television ads that he said would be more likely to influence voters heading to the polls on Tuesday rather than those who cast absentee ballots weeks ago.

The election marks the first time in nearly 50 years that an incumbent is not involved in the race to run the most powerful office in the county's criminal justice system -- one responsible for prosecuting roughly 60,000 felony cases a year, including murders, rapes and robberies.

Each candidate raised more than $1 million, and the campaign was at times bitterly fought.

Reach Executive Producer Hannah Madans here.



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