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Iowa: Looking In Favor Of Obama

Joseph Krassenstein |
November 6, 2012 | 5:25 p.m. PST

Staff Reporter

Obama leading Romney in Iowa
Obama leading Romney in Iowa

Iowa has shown itself once again as a battleground state with fierce competition leading into the closing hours of the Presidential election.

The most recent poll by the Public Policy Poilling, shows President Barack Obama leading the race with 50% over Republican Candidate Mitt Romney's 48%. 2% remain undecided.

However this poll was most recently updated on Sunday.

In a more recent poll, by the Huffington Post shows Obama with only 48.6% of the votes and Romney with 46.1% of the votes. The remaining 5.3% remain undecided or are voting for others. 

With six electoral votes, Iowa has long been considered a wanted state by both campaigns.

Republican Vice-President Paul Ryan made a stop in Iowa last night. 

Obama also held his final campaign rallylast night in Des Moines with an audience well into 20,000 people who stood outside in the cold on Locust Street, a few blocks from the state capitol bulding. 

Obama credits his win in Iowa in 2008 as the win that launched him on the path to presidency. 


Reach Staff Reporter Joseph Krassenstein here.



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