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When Will Sprinkles Cupcakes Open At The Grove?

Kelli Shiroma |
November 12, 2012 | 10:02 a.m. PST

Staff Writer

Sprinkles Cupcakes, known for its moist desserts, is opening its newest location in the Grove. (Kelli Shiroma / Neon Tommy)
Sprinkles Cupcakes, known for its moist desserts, is opening its newest location in the Grove. (Kelli Shiroma / Neon Tommy)

The opening date for the newest Sprinkles Cupcakes location at The Grove is a topic of confusion for the chain’s loyal cupcake fans.

Sources have been saying different things regarding the newest location’s opening.

While Eater LA said that the newest store was set to open today, a customer service representative at The Grove told Neon Tommy that the store would not be set to open until late December or possibly early January 2013.

Meanwhile, Sprinkles media contact Nicole Schwartz said that the newest Sprinkles location does not have “a confirmed opening date [set], but we are working hard to open the week of Thanksgiving.” 

Schwartz said that Sprinkles fans should check the Sprinkles Facebook page to get details on the opening date for the Grove location once it is confirmed. However, you can stay tuned for the inside scoop here as well!

Reach Kelli Shiroma here.



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