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Neon Tommy - Annenberg digital news

Franky Carrillo Casts His First Vote As A Free Man

Paige Brettingen |
November 6, 2012 | 2:40 p.m. PST

Executive Producer

Franky Carrillo, the face of "Yes on Prop 34" (Photo by Paige Brettingen)
Franky Carrillo, the face of "Yes on Prop 34" (Photo by Paige Brettingen)

Franky Carrillo was 16 when he was arrested and convicted of a crime he didn't commit. He spent 20 years in prison before being officially exonerated of all charges in March 2011. On Nov. 6, 2012, the 38-year-old voted for the first time.

Carrillo has become a strong advocate against the death penalty, pushing for "Yes" on Proposition 34 and appearing on the proposition's commercials.

"What occurred in my life, with this injustice... the court system just isn't right all the time. I just can't come home and sit back and not try to fix things," he said.


Find more Neon Tommy Coverage on Proposition 34 here.

Reach Executive Producer Paige Brettingen here. Follow her here.



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