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Duff Goldman To Open European-Style Pastry Shop On Beverly Blvd.

Elysia Rodriguez |
November 25, 2012 | 10:52 a.m. PST

Staff Reporter

Charm City Cakes owner and Ace of Cakes star Duff Goldman. (Food Network)
Charm City Cakes owner and Ace of Cakes star Duff Goldman. (Food Network)
Chef Duff Goldman is expanding his dessert empire with a new retail pastry shop on Beverly Boulevard that he wants to be “the exact opposite” of his trademark style. 

Unlike most of his other businesses, this one will be largely cake-free. He wants it to be like a French or Austrian pastry shop, “with really, really kick-ass coffee,” but he has not ruled out the idea of serving cupcakes.

Goldman has already been using the location across from CBS Studios to bake cakes for his two Los Angeles bakeries, Charm City Cakes West and Cakemix, but no word is out yet on when he hopes to open the pastry shop up for business. 

Although he has made a name for himself as a creator of big, bold and one-of-a-kind cakes, he hopes that his newest business will allow him to further expand his identity as a chef. 

“I've been a pastry chef for pretty much my whole life, and at this point I'm ‘the cake guy.’ But actually, I make a really good scone and pies and petits fours,” he said in an exclusive interview with Zagat. 

The chef gained national fame with his Food Network show, "Ace of Cakes", which chronicled his business at Charm City Cakes. 

The show gave Goldman and his bakery huge success and requests for his cakes soon began coming in from all over the United States. He began relying on planes and trains to deliver cakes to customors, so it was only logical for his business to expand and for him to open a West Coast branch. 

Goldman flew out to Los Angeles back in 2011 to scope out a good location for his second bakery. He finally opened up Charm City Cakes West, which offers the same custom cake services as the original Baltimore bakery, this September. 

This past summer, Goldman also opened up Cakemix on Melrose Avenue. The do-it-yourself cake shop gave customers the opportunity to explore their creativity in a hands-on manner by decorating their own cakes. 

Even with two businesses in Los Angeles and the original Charm City Cakes still going strong, Goldman continues to embrace his experimental passion for pastries with his new business.  

Fans will have to wait and see just what he has in mind for this new chapter in his life, but if his past ventures serve as an example of what is to come, Los Angeles can surely expect Goldman’s newest pastry shop be big, bad and awesome. 


Reach Elysia Rodriguez here



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