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Daily Hollywood – “Downton Abbey” Renewed, Chris Brown Leaves Twitter, And More

Lilian Min |
November 26, 2012 | 12:49 a.m. PST

Music Editor

(Daily Hollywood/Neon Tommy)
(Daily Hollywood/Neon Tommy)
The third season of the acclaimed British series hasn’t even hit the U.S. yet, but “Downton Abbey” has already been renewed for a fourth season. (EW)

At least she’s being frank? Or something like that: Nicki Minaj is pre-emptively blaming retailers Walmart, Best Buy, and Target for poor sales of her latest release, “Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded – The Re-Up,” as none of the stores will be carrying the album. Ed. note: I don’t think that’s why people aren’t buying… (The Hollywood Reporter)

In a classically “them” move, PETA is sponsoring a pig as a gift for Miley Cyrus, who turned 20 last Friday. (Us Weekly)

It appears that Bradley Cooper and Zoe Saldana are back to dating, as the two were spotted together on Thanksgiving Day. Maybe now that the stress of being People’s Sexiest Man Alive has been taken off his shoulders… (Just Jared)

Following an ugly spat with a comedy writer on Twitter, Chris Brown has deleted his account. One can only presume that it’s a matter of time before he rejoins the social networking site to continue spreading public messages of peace and goodwill. (Vulture)

Reach Music Editor Lilian Min here. Follow her on Twitter here.




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