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Boehner Tells GOP To Avoid Major Showdown With Democrats

Cara Palmer |
November 11, 2012 | 12:36 p.m. PST

Executive Producer

(Talk Radio News Service, Creative Commons)
(Talk Radio News Service, Creative Commons)
House Speaker John Boehner conducted a conference call with House Republicans last week, during which he remarked that the GOP lost badly, and even though Republicans still control the House and will still oppose tax increases in Congress’s debate over the economy, they had to avoid any major showdowns with Democrats.

The looming fiscal crisis will prompt Congressional discussions of tax increases and spending cuts, especially in light of an economy that is still recovering.

Especially in light of the consequences of the recent debt-ceiling showdown, the U.S. cannot afford that degree of partisanship when it comes to fixing the economy. On the conference call, in response to his remarks, Boehner received mutterings of support from his fellow Republicans. Oklahoma Rep. Tom Cole said, “Most members were just taught a lesson that you’re not going to get everything that you want. It was that kind of election.”


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