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Senate's Five New Female Members

Alexis Miller |
November 9, 2012 | 5:28 p.m. PST

Staff Reporter

Tuesday was a historic night for Congress. Five new female Senators, four of them Democrats, have been added to the ranks in Washington. Next term one in five U.S. Senators will be women. 

These triumphs come as a shock to some considering the predictions that the steady increase in female Senators would halt with the retirement of Sens. Kay Bailey Hutchinson, R - TX, and Olympia Snowe, R - ME. When the Senate reconvenes , however, there will be 20 female Senators, compared to the 17 last term, according to the NY Daily News

The biggest gains of the night came for Elizabeth Warren, who defeated Republican Sen. Scott Brown in Massachusetts. Warren, a Harvard Law School professor, will be the first women to represent Massachusetts in the Senate. In 2010, Warren made a national name for herself as one of the architects of the Wall Street reform package and the new consumer agency, according to SF Gate. Additionally at this years' Democratic National Convention Warren delivered the Key Note address. 

Senate- elect Mazie Hirono of Hawaii became the first Asian-American woman to be elected to the Senate. At this past years' Netroots Nation conference, Hirono gave an emotional recount of her mother escaping an abusive relationship in Japan to move to the U.S. to start a new life for herself and her children. Hirono defeated former Republican Hawaii Gov. Linda Lingle in a tough race Tuesday night.

In Nebraska, Republican Deb Fischer beat former Sen. and Gov. Bob Kerrey to become the first woman in Nebraska to be elected to a full Senate term. Fischer started her campaign as a rural state legislator from Western Nebraska who faced two well financed Republican opponents. 

Senate- elect Tammy Baldwin of Wisconsin and became the first openly gay U.S. Senator and the first female Wisconsin Senator. Baldwin, a seven-term Democratic congresswoman, beat former Wisconsin Gov. Tommy Tompson in a tight race. Her victory is a huge stride forward to bringing diversity to the state of Wisonsin, according to CNN

Finally, former State Attorney General Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota won her tough race against a fierce Republican opponent. Prior to Heitkamp's victory on Tuesday night, the election was predicted to be a sure Republican pickup. 

Voters also voted on Tuesday night to re-elect several high profile female Senators including Claire McCaskill, D- MO, and Dianne Feinstein, D-CA.


Reach Staff Reporter Alexis Miller here.




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