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Vice Presidential Debate: Who Won?

Aaron Liu |
October 11, 2012 | 9:04 p.m. PDT

Assistant News Editor

So who won? (Photo by C-SPAN)
So who won? (Photo by C-SPAN)
Thursday's vice presidential debate has split opinions over who "won." Neon Tommy has compiled a list of reactions to tonight's discussion:

CBS: Biden wins and we have the numbers to prove it.

From their Twitter handle: 50 percent of polled voters chose Biden. 31 percent chose Ryan and 19 percent called it a draw.

CNBC: Ryan wins and we have the numbers to prove it.

Another stat from Twitter: Paul Ryan woos 53 percent of those polled, Biden snags 41 percent while the 6 percent chose neither side.

CNN: Ryan wins and we have the numbers to prove it.

They report that 48 percent of their test subjects chose Ryan, while 44 percent preferred the stylings of Biden.

FORBES: Biden acted more like a winner (but Ryan's a winner too):

"The vice president was tough and strong throughout, relaxed, sometimes humorous (even if he did laugh at his opponent a little much), at others withering in his criticisms, at still others, when addressing the most serious issues, quiet and grave. But Ryan was good, too."

HERMAN CAIN: No one won.

"There were no winners. This debate was not a debate. Tt [sic] was a Distraction."

ANDREW SULLIVAN: Biden wins, but Radditz wins a little more.

"So this was a solid win for Biden, I'd say; as well as a competent performance by Ryan. The star? Raddatz - the woman the far right just tried to intimidate. She was tough on both, controlled the debate, and knew her shit cold."

VAN JONES: Debate is the winner!

"I thought that the debate overall was American politics at its best," he told Anderson Cooper during a live discussion following the debate.

THE WASHINGTON POST: Nothing matters. 

"Nothing changed much tonight. Voters don't think much of Vice President Biden, and they don't know much about Rep. Paul Ryan. That status quo was maintained during this debate."

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