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Who Are The Hottest Actors And Actresses On TV This Fall?

Kathy Zerbib |
October 17, 2012 | 9:07 p.m. PDT

Staff Reporter

1. Sofia Vergara of "Modern Family"

Surprise! Sofia Vergara’s character Gloria was revealed to be pregnant in the season three finale of “Modern Family.” Now in season four, Gloria is toting a noticeable baby bump, her first child with husband Jay (played by Ed O’Neill). Pregnant or not, expect Vergara to look just as stunning as always and ready to serve up some Latin spice. Wouldn’t she make the most adorable... and loud mother? Watch “Modern Family” on Wednesdays at 9/8c on ABC, and check out some of Gloria's noisest (and funniest) moments below. 


 2. Lucy Liu of "Elementary"

 There is something so perfectly timeless about Lucy Liu’s beauty that it seems like just yesterday we saw her in Charlie’s Angels and now on the cast of “Elementary.” Her character is adapted from the original Sherlock Holmes’ story into a female sober companion named Dr. Joan Watson for the great detective. Though her role does not involve much sensuality, her reserved nature contrasts with an obvious romantic tension between herself and Holmes, promising a season of prime moments. Be sure to watch her Thursdays at 10/9c on CBS.

4. Ian Somerhalder of "The Vampire Diaries"

With a name like his, it is no wonder that Ian Somerhalder has us practically smoldering in his heat. His character Damon Salvatore screams danger and dark appeal, which he thankfully delivers. Now coming back for its fourth season, “The Vampire Diaries” is sure to top television ratings thanks to such an attractive cast that rises to its potential. From his half-smiles to the depth in his eyes, Somerhalder embodies the temptation viewers expect from a drama. Dive into the show Thursdays at 8/7c on The CW.

 5. Justin Hartley of "Emily Owens, M.D."

Justin Hartley plays Will Collins, a surgical intern for the Denver Memorial Hospital, but his inexperience in the field does not mean he should be overlooked. His charming demeanor and very cleft chin only add to his complexity. No wonder Emily Owens is secretly vying for him. When the series premieres on October 16th, the rest of us will certainly be vying for him, too. “Emily Owens, M.D.” is on every Tuesday at 9/8c on The CW. 

6. Jay Ryan of "Beauty and the Beast"

 The producers for “Beauty And The Beast” must have gone completely out of their way to pick someone as gorgeous as Jay Ryan to play the part of the “beast,” alias Dr. Vincent Keller. Physically tarnished only by a facial scar, the doctor’s wildly attractive persona proves irresistible. Though the plot is easily subjectable to corniness, Ryan alone has the full capability of keeping the show as intense as intended. “Beauty And The Beast” comes on every Thursday at 9/8c on The CW.

Reach Staff Reporter Kathy Zerbib here.



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