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"Revenge" Episode 4 Recap: Intuition

Ashley Riegle |
October 21, 2012 | 10:54 p.m. PDT

Staff Reporter

Emily and Aiden have a confrontation on the beach (Photo Courtesy of ABC)
Emily and Aiden have a confrontation on the beach (Photo Courtesy of ABC)

Episode four begins in Southampton with Emily and Aiden fighting on the beach about whether or not she should continue trying to find her mother. She asks him where he got the flight recorder and whether he met her mother, Kara Wallace. In Grayson Manor, Victoria is seen throwing a check written to Amanda Clarke into the fire, as a maid cleans up a nasty spill of blood just a few feet away.

Rewind a few days back. Victoria tells Charlotte she wants to read David Clarke's diary, but Charlotte insists it is Amanda's property and Amanda's decision. Victoria calls Amanda and invites her over that night. With every icy smile it is confirmed - Victoria is evil!!! But wait, this is only the beginning of the drama that unfolds regarding Victoria in "Intuition".

Nolan and Padma are working closely together at Nolcorp in Manhattan. Padma tells Nolan that his father's belongings, which have been held in storage, will be auctioned off soon if Nolan does not claim them. Padma asks Nolan why he didn't tell her his father had died. He admits it is because he hadn't known. It's still very unclear what Padma's role is going to be in the show. It seems odd she is acting so close to him. Didn't they just meet? Later in the episode she brings him a binder of all of his press clippings and accompanies him to empty his father's storage unit. He cries, they kiss and Nolan says he would like to take her out. They decide to dine in Paris, in typical money-is-no-object "Revenge" style. 

Ashley is sneaking around Grayson Global spying on Daniel (her boyfriend) for Conrad (his father). Creepy. It still seems like she is more loyal to Conrad than Daniel. Why are Ashley and Daniel even together? Their relationship seems so forced. By the end of the episode however, she is tired of Conrad's control over her. She tells him she's tired of being his "little spy". Daniel overhears this conversation, which reaffirms his feelings for her. Or something.

Victoria and Amanda sit down for a conversation. Amanda reads her passages from David Clarke's diary, as instructed by Emily who is communicating to Amanda through an earpiece and watching the conversation via a security camera. This is the beginning of a tense conversation between Amanda and Victoria. Victoria offers to buy the journal from her. 

At the Pine Crest Motel, Aiden is looking to connect with Emily's mom, Kara. He tells her he is with the FBI and knows about her relationship with Gordon. He tries to convince her to come with him, but she refuses saying she is going to "stick to (Gordon's) plan". He pulls out a gun and tells her he's afraid he can't let her do that. In a later scene he attempts to get her to trust that he is on her side and hand over information about Gordon. When it seems like she is finally going to cooperate with him, she pops out of a back room and hits him in the neck with a taser and knocks him out. When he wakes up, he is tied to a chair. Kara says there is no way her "husband"(!!) would have ever revealed her location to anyone and that he must be working for either the Graysons or The Initiative. She tapes his mouth shut and takes his car, and it is clear another crazy person is on the loose.

Conrad Grayson meets with a mysterious woman clad in a black-leather dress, dark hair and make-up in an abandoned warehouse in the countryside. He says he is very upset about the white-haired man's behavior going rogue and kidnapping Victoria. She agrees saying that it was an unlikely betrayal on his part after "decades of loyal service to the organization". Conrad expresses concern that the white-haired man may come after the Grayson family. She assures him the organization is working to find him and that when they do they will be eager to hear, "his side of the story". It is still unclear whether Conrad and Victoria's story about her being kidnapped is just a story or the truth.

Emily looks incredible in "Intuition". Her hairstyle and dark sultry dress in the baby shower scene are so different from the typical Emily Thorne style! Amanda shows up to the baby shower with friends from her former strip club, partially in order to create enough of a distraction for Amanda to dig up some information for Emily. After Victoria gives Amanda her gift, a baby journal and a check for $100,000, they go upstairs to talk privately.

Minute 45 and I am shouting, "Oh my god!!!" Amanda attempts to get Victoria to open up about Emily's mother, showing her the sign-in sheet from the mental institution. Victoria becomes prickly and does not want to reveal anything. She tells Amanda her father would have preferred she believe her mother was dead than to know the truth that her mother once tried to kill her. Amanda keeps pushing the topic when she and Victoria get in a tug-of-war over the mental hospital document and the check Victoria has given her. In a freak accident, Amanda tips backward off of her heels and over the railing in the Grayson's foyer, falling a horrifying distance to the marble floor below. Her life and that of her baby are instantly in jeopardy. 

Aiden continues to struggle to set himself free from the chair where he is trapped. He flips the chair over and attempts to use shards of glass to cut the ropes that bind him. His hands become extremely bloody before he is finally able to get himself free. Miraculously, his hands look unharmed in the next scene. He leaves the motel and attempts to call Emily and warn her that her mother is on the loose and seems dangerous.

The man who Declan robbed in a previous episode is back again threatening Jack. He claims Declan owes him $20,000 for his stolen belongings. After Jack runs off to meet Amanda, the man places a phone call to Trey, the preppy kid Declan was co

Emily's mom Kara drives in the night (Photo Courtesy of ABC)
Emily's mom Kara drives in the night (Photo Courtesy of ABC)
mmitting burglaries with. The two are in a conspiracy together and plan to steal Jack's bar from him.

As Kara drives in the night, she hears a radio broadcast announcing that Amanda Clarke has suffered a fall at Grayson Manor and is currently in the hospital in Southampton. It is clear from that moment that Kara is going to be on her way there next.

Back in the hospital, both Amanda and her baby are alive, though Amanda is in a coma. The episode winds down as Declan and Charlotte are reunited in a tender moment, and Jack cries, praying for his baby and Amanda.

As Emily walks the halls, she stops outside Amanda's room, catching a glimpse of someone she recognizes- her mother. Seeing her instantly brings back a painful flashback...

A young Emily and her mother were swimming out in the ocean. Emily looks about Kara tried to convince Emily that they were going to play a game and pretend to be asleep under water. Kara proceeded to forcibly shove E

Emily has a painful flashback about her mother (Photo Courtesy of ABC)
Emily has a painful flashback about her mother (Photo Courtesy of ABC)
mily's head under water, attempting to drown her...

The memory ends there as Emily snaps out of the flashback with tears in her eyes. She backs inthe hospital hall out of eyesight, as Kara creepily strokes Amanda's head and says, "mommy's here".

Emily returns to her beach house in shock. When Aiden reaches the house, Emily collapses into his arms crying heavily. It is no wonder; this flashback is arguably the most heart-breaking moment in "Revenge" history.

Next week's episode looks insane, as Kara makes her first public appearances back in Southampton and...at Grayson Manor. Oh, the suspense!

Check out the trailer for next week's episode below.

Reach staff reporter Ashley Riegle by email. Follow her on Twitter here



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