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Prop 32, Prop 33, Prop 37, Prop 38 See Declining Support

Paresh Dave |
October 30, 2012 | 11:13 a.m. PDT

Executive Director

Gov. Jerry Brown rallies support for Prop. 30 at Grand Central Market in Los Angeles this past weekend. (Neon Tommy)
Gov. Jerry Brown rallies support for Prop. 30 at Grand Central Market in Los Angeles this past weekend. (Neon Tommy)
Following typical patterns a week or two before Election Day, several California proposition lost support in a tracking poll during the second half of October.

The results come from the California Business Roundtable and Pepperdine University's online survey of more than 2,000 voters.

Among the ballot measures whose outcomes should come down to the wire are Gov. Jerry Brown's tax increase proposal, Proposition 30, and Mercury Insurance's measure to offer lower insurance rates to continually insured drivers, Propostion 33.

Support for a competing tax measure from Molly Munger, Propostion 38, and a ban on automatic union dues collection from employee paychecks, dropped significantly in late October.

Prop. 36 to amend the state's three-strikes law saw a small drop in support, but not enough to put it in danger of not passing. That's not the case for genetically-modified-food-labeling measure Prop. 37.

The Yes on 37 campaign was to quick to say in a press release that the Pepperdine poll was taken after three weeks of No ads on television, but no Yes ads.

"Now our ads are up and many voters are hearing our message for the first time,” said spokeswoman Stacy Malkan.

Full results and charts here.

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