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Neon Tommy - Annenberg digital news

Ohio's Early Voting Block Denied

Tricia Tongco |
October 16, 2012 | 4:10 p.m. PDT

Executive Producer

Ohio could determine the next President.
Ohio could determine the next President.
The battleground state of Ohio will be the focus of even more attention this presidential race. The Supreme Court has made a crucial decision, announcing Tuesday that it will side with the Democrats in refusing a Republican request to block early voting in the key election state.

The Obama campaign and Ohio Democrats sued the state of Ohio over changes in the law that took away three days of voting the weekend before the election. According to Democrats, more than 100,000 people voted in the three days before the election in 2008. The vital 72-hour early voting window could be a decisive factor between Romney and Obama, in the state that many believe will determine the next president.

For more Neon Tommy coverage of the 2012 presidential election, go here.

Reach Reporter Tricia Tongco here and follow her on Twitter.



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