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Obama Policies That Will Bring Him Victory

Nandini Ruparel |
October 30, 2012 | 5:20 p.m. PDT

Staff Reporter

(Dawn Megli/Neon Tommy)
(Dawn Megli/Neon Tommy)
While few of President Barack Obama's policies have been popular, some of them can ensure a victory. With the combined effort of these policies, Obama can slide out from under the fall of the first debate and ride to a victory over Mitt Romney.

Detroit bailout

It was controversial then and it's controversial now, but no one can deny that the Detroit bailout only helped restart the auto companies and allowed them to continue to where they are today. While Mitt Romney has flip-flopped on whether he would have supported or denied the bailout, Obama's consistency shows voters - and, more specifically middle class families - that he's willing to spend the money to support their jobs.

While the policy is not the most popular among all voters, the impact of the bailout and the campaign's clarity on how much worse the situation would be without it has been a successful strategy in bringing voter approval.

Repeal of "don't ask, don't tell"

Obama's repeal of "don't ask, don't tell" was key for many liberals and cemented his base with lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender voters. As the year has passed, those angry about the repealing of the policy - namely, more conservative voters - have forgotten about the policy because of the lack of physical change in the military itself, and those who supported it still remember due to its huge ideological impact. This policy will carry Obama through the most liberal of voting blocs. Note that Obama still has to act upon his support of gay marriage, but even his support has made voters in this bloc very happy. 

Ending the Iraq War

Ending the Iraq War two years ago was a major bonus for Obama. Because this was a promise during his campaign he made often and continuously, the mark of the removal of troops was powerful and stayed in voters' minds. It can only help his campaign that voters realize he is actually doing what he said he would. By ending the war itself, Obama was able to fulfill his promise without changing his policies in the Middle East and earning the support of troops, military families and liberal families against the war. Romney has criticized Obama's weakness in the Middle East, but this is overall a successful move.

Read the counterpoint, Obama Polices That Will Hurt Him In The Election, here.


Reach Staff Reporter Nandini Ruparel here.



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