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Obama Casts Early Ballot

Michael Juliani |
October 25, 2012 | 6:56 p.m. PDT

Executive Producer


Obama released an ad urging Florida voters to help prevent another 2000 outcome.  (via Flickr Creative Commons)
Obama released an ad urging Florida voters to help prevent another 2000 outcome. (via Flickr Creative Commons)

President Barack Obama cast an early ballot Thursday in Chicago for the 2012 election, becoming the first sitting president to vote in-person before Election Day, according to ABC News.

"I can't tell you who I'm voting for," he said at a Tampa, Florida, rally earlier in the day.  "It's a secret ballot.  But Michelle says she voted for me."

Both presidential candidates have asked voters to cast early ballots, with Obama hoping to set a good example.  

MORE: Who Is Winning The Early Vote?

An Obama ad released Thursday discussed how important it is to vote in light of what happened in 2000 in Florida, which won the election for George W. Bush.


Read more of Neon Tommy's coverage of the 2012 election here.

Reach Executive Producer Michael Juliani here.




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