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Neon Tommy - Annenberg digital news

Mining Company Fires Thousands Of Striking Workers

Nicholas Slayton |
October 5, 2012 | 5:16 p.m. PDT

Executive Producer

(Dawn Megli / Neon Tommy)
(Dawn Megli / Neon Tommy)

The Anglo-American Platinum mine fired more than half of the 21,000 South African miners working for them who currently on strike. This is the first action a company has taken against the Nation Union of Mineworkers, which has been on strike for more than a month across the country.

Miners are protesting for higher salaries. More than 70,000 miners are participating in the protests. Almost 20 percent of the mining industry is participating in the strikes. Earlier in August, protests turned violent as striking workers clashed with police, who opened fire and killed 34 people.

The strikes have had a major effect on the South African economy. Moody's recently downgraded the country's bond. The South African currency is also starting to suffer as a result.

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