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Katy Perry and Barack Obama Unite For Sin City Rally

Leah Harari |
October 25, 2012 | 2:40 a.m. PDT

Staff Reporter

Katy Perry
Katy Perry

Singer Katy Perry and President Barack Obama teamed up for a Las Vegas concert Wednesday in the hopes to gain voter support in Nevada, a crucial “swing state.”  

Performing in front of a crowd of 13,000, the “Teenage Dream” singer asked the audience to vote Obama and vote as soon as possible.  According to ABC News, Perry sang her long list of hits with a full stage set-up, including concert lighting, back-up dancers, and a digital screen that touted photos of the President and his campaign slogan, “Forward.” Keeping with the spirit of the rally, the 28-year-old retired her lollipop skin-tight mini and long, blue wig for a bodycon white dress made to look like a ballot. 

The POTUS sang Perry’s praises, calling her “just a wonderful young lady.” He went on to tell the audience he had the chance to meet the singer’s grandmother backstage, and that the 91-year-old even got some of her lipstick on him. Perry’s grandmother told ABC News the kiss with the President was “wonderful.” 

Obama’s fourth stop of the day in his 48-hour, eight state tour, Vegas was his last for the night.  

“We are pulling an all-nighter. No sleep. And if you’re not gonna sleep, you might as well be in Vegas,” he joked.

On his way out of Sin City, Obama made a surprise stop at the famous Bellagio Hotel, speaking with the luxury casino’s employees. “Everyone here knows what it means to work hard,” he insisted. “You’re what makes Las Vegas run.“

Before heading to Tampa, Fla., the next stop on his campaign trail, Obama urged his audience to vote early. “I need you guys to go out and vote now. Don’t wait to vote. You gotta go cash in your chips now.”


Reach reporter Leah Harari here.



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