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'Innocence Of Muslims' Filmmaker Denies Violating Probation

Danny Lee |
October 10, 2012 | 4:24 p.m. PDT

Executive Producer

Nakoula's anti-muslim film sparked violent protests in the Islamic world. (Screencap from "Innocence of Muslims")
Nakoula's anti-muslim film sparked violent protests in the Islamic world. (Screencap from "Innocence of Muslims")
The Cerritos-based filmmaker behind an anti-Islam film that incited deadly protests in the Middle East denied eight allegations that he violated his federal probation in a bank fraud case, the Los Angeles Times reported.

Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, who was behind "Innocence of Muslims" and legally changed his name to Mark Basseley Youssef in 2002, was read the eight counts connected to his 2010 fraud conviction by U.S. District Court Judge Christina Snyder.

Nakoula is accused of using false names on court documents and a driver's license. Nakoula's attorney, Steven Seiden, asked the judge to move him out of protective custody and into the general population, but did not specify a reason.

"Innocence of Muslims," which depicts the prophet Muhammad as a womanizer and child molester, sparked debates over the clash between free speech and hate speech.


Read the full story at the Los Angeles Times. Find more Neon Tommy coverage of the Innocence of Muslims filmmaker here.

Reach Executive Producer Danny Lee here; follow him on Twitter here.



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