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How To Watch The Last Debate

Dawn Megli |
October 21, 2012 | 10:23 p.m. PDT

Executive Producer

(Creative Commons/ Donkey Hotey)
(Creative Commons/ Donkey Hotey)
President Obama and challenger Mitt Romney are due to meet for the third and final debate Monday night. Here's when and how to watch.

The debate will air Monday night on all the major networks at 9:00 p.m. EST but if you don't have a television set, don't fret. The debate will stream live on many websites.

ABC will stream the debate on its YouTube channel. CNN will cover the debate on its website. 

The debate will focus on foreign policy and will moderated by Bob Shieffer in 6 15-minute segments.


Want up-to-the-minute analysis? Follow Neon Tommy's live debate coverage.

Reach Executive Producer Dawn Megli here. Follow her on Twitter here



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