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"Grey's Anatomy" Recap: Love The One You're With

Briana Dixon |
October 19, 2012 | 10:43 a.m. PDT

Staff Reporter

"Grey's Anatomy" Thursdays on ABC (Image Courtesy of ABC)
"Grey's Anatomy" Thursdays on ABC (Image Courtesy of ABC)
This week on "Grey's Anatomy", the doctors at Seattle Grace Mercy West are trying to move forward from the plane crash once and for all, hoping to get back to their normal lives. A few major issues are still trying to work themselves out on Thursday night's episode, as we see some relationships continue to develop, fall apart, and some stay incredibly awkward. Here's a breakdown of last night's episode.

The Settlement- There's a settlement deal in the air that offers enough money to each of the doctors involved in the plane crash to "be taken care of", as Callie explained. The decision has to be unanimous, and as the deadline creeps upon them, Derek visits the plane held in a warehouse and revisits the crash. He concludes that it wouldn't be right to take the money- he doesn't want to witness or hear of another Lexi or Mark. If they settled, the event of the plane crash would most likely disappear. All the doctors finally agree not to settle, owing it to Mark and Lexi to figure out what happened.

Cristina in Minnesota- Will Cristina ever come back to Seattle Grace? Judging by the amount of Skype calls to Meredith, fans want to say yes. However, Cristina is still trying to do everything she can at her new hospital to get in on the big surgeries, even if that means playing "like a team player", which is the last thing she's used to. Even with a few learning moments with Dr. Thomas (Mr. Feeny, anyone?), Cristina is still battling to settle into her new hospital home. What's even worse? The small hope of a reconciliation with Owen starts to diminsh when she tells him they shouldn't talk that much anymore.

Jackson and April- What's Going On?- April's back at Seattle Grace and all seems well- except it's really awkward between her and Jackson, not to mentioning she's set to work with him. She wants to pretend that their night of passion never happened, but throughout the episode there's tons of sexual tension. They decide it's best if they just stay away from each other, which lasts only for a short time- and then they get right back at it.

The Others- As for the other doctors at Seattle Grace, Avery tells Meredith that Dr. Webber slept with his mom and Meredith attempts to comfort him by telling him he's slept with her mom too! Callie tells Alex to stay far away from the new intern, warning him not to flirt with her. He comes to find out the intern is fully aware of his promiscuity, and the fact that he's hooked up with all of her best friends- means that she wants nothing to do with him. Callie and Arizona are still struggling. Arizona can barely speak to Callie and still blames her entirely for her leg.
Don't miss "Grey's Anatomy" Thursdays at 9pm on ABC!

Reach Staff Reporter Briana Dixon here and follow her on Twitter here.



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